Cabell County Master
Gardener Newsletter
Please keep this newsletter as it will contain information
that will be useful throughout the entire year.
The meetings are scheduled for:
- Saturday 14 Feb at 11
AM at the Enslow Park Presbyterian Church (Snow
date will be Sat 21 Feb at 11 AM.)
- Tuesday 14 April at
6:30 PM at the Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
- Tuesday 12 May at 6:
30 PM at the Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
- Tuesday 9 June at
6:30 PM at the Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
- Saturday 29 Aug at 3
PM at shelter #1 at the Barboursville City Park – speaker Brian Cordle on “Geocaching”
– this is our annual picnic – bring friends or family PLUS a potluck dish to feed
6 -8 people
- Tuesday 13 Oct at
6:30 PM at the Enslow Park Presbyterian Church – speaker will be Mary
Beckelhimer on “Botanical Witchcraft”
- Tuesday 10 Nov at
6:30 PM at the Enslow Park Presbyterian Church – speaker Ohio Valley Camera
Club on “Photographing our Gardens”
- Saturday 5 Dec at the
Boyd County, KY Extension Office in Catlettsburg, KY – Lori Bowling will teach
us to make Christmas wreaths and we will be making our own wreaths – there will
be a fee for this, the amount to be announced – this is our holiday luncheon –
bring a potluck dish to feed 6-8 people
There will be door prizes at each meeting.
The WSAZ Home and Garden Show will be Fri 13 March 4-9 PM, Sat 14 March
10 AM – 9 PM and Sun 15 March 12 – 5 PM.
Set-up for the booth will be Thurs 12 March at 10 AM.
Contact Connie Berk to sign up to
work at the MG booth. Work phone # 304) 696-7341, or home phone # 304)
429-7318. I need people to volunteer at the MG booth in a minimum of 2 hour increments.
You may work for longer periods of time. The number of hours you work will
count towards your annual volunteer time.
If you wish to listen to a speaker, then that time will count as
continuing education, not as volunteer time. No double dipping!
The booth will be located in the
same spot that we’ve been in for the last several years, across the aisle and
slightly to the left of the WSAZ booth.
We enter the Big Sandy Superstore
Arena through the loading dock door on 7th Street, between Third Ave.
and Veteran’s Blvd. Your name will be on a list that the security guard will
have. Wear your name badges and/or shirts with logos if you have them.
Also, wear comfortable clothes and shoes. We will have rubber mats on the floor
in the booth, but the flooring underneath that is concrete and it’s hard! Try
not to bring purses or any other valuable items as the only safe place we’ll
have to keep them is in the booth with us. Space can get tight! We will have a
Hospitality Room behind the stage, where we may eat and rest. We can only bring
in outside food into the Hospitality Room, nothing may be taken out onto the
floor of the Arena.
You may take some time to look
around at the other vendors and shop, but that time does not count towards your
volunteer time either.
If you want to work when the Show first
opens to the public on any given day, you must
arrive at the Arena one hour before the Show opens to the public, as we must be
in the booth and ready when the doors open, i.e. on Fri the Show opens to the
public at 4 PM but we need to be at the booth at 3 PM.
There is some free parking in a
small parking lot on 7th Street, across from the Arena. There is
more parking available in the Pullman Square parking garages, entrances at 8th
Street, 9th Street and 10th Street. The cost is $1 for
the first 4 hours.
Rich Sherman is the Cabell County
Extension agent. He may be reached at
or at 304) 743-7151. To leave a message, call Pauline at 304) 743-7131.
On 14 January 2015 Rich said that
he would grant amnesty to any and all who wish to return to the Cabell County
Master Gardener Association in 2015. Those who return must send him a message
that they are returning.
If they have
not been a part of the organization since he became our Agent, then they may
need to reapply and possibly retake the 5 core courses of the training. Simply
put, he needs to be certain that everyone is up to date on our procedures.
In Dec 2014, new officers were elected for 2015 and 2016:
Dues should have been paid by 1 Jan
2015. Make out checks for $16 per person, payable to CCMGA, Inc. and mail them
to Cabell County Master Gardener Association, Inc., PO Box 7661, Huntington,
WV 25578-7661. Or, bring them to the
next meeting and save on postage!
There is a Small Farm Conference on
Feb 26-28, 2015, to be held at the Charleston Civic Center. Bring in samples of
heirloom seeds for the seed swap on Fri afternoon, 27 Feb. Contact Rich for
further info.
The next Master Gardener Conference
is scheduled for March 27-29 2015 at Pipestem Resort, WV. For more info,
contact Rich or check our webpage.
020315 Connie Berk