Monday, June 29, 2015
One Million Pollinator Gardens
The National Pollinator Network, a collaboration of nearly two dozen conservation groups with the support of First Lady Michelle Obama.has a goal of one million new pollinator friendly gardens by 2016,
Any garden, regardless of size and location, can be registered on their website: to count toward the total. And everything counts, “from window boxes and garden plots to farm borders, golf courses, school gardens, corporate and university campuses,” they said in a press release. The Network’s job is to provide the resources and information for people to plant and maintain pollinator gardens, including plant recommendations, where to buy seeds and plants, and how to plant a sustainable garden using minimal pesticides.
“The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge gives nearly every American the chance to be one in a million, by planting seeds and plants for bees and pollinators,” said Craig Regelbrugge of AmericanHort. “They are going to look to trusted sources for plants and expertise. This is a huge opportunity for horticulture.”