Sunday, August 30, 2015

2015 CCMGA Picnic

Thanks to the outstanding CCMGA cooks, the 2015 picnic at Barboursville Park on August 29 was a huge success.  While R. L. Mallory and Tom Bell manned the grill, we held our August business meeting.  Members who earned Master Gardener certification since our last meeting were recognized with the presentation of certificates and name badges by Debbie Martin and Jane Wilson representing the education committee.  We learned that our advisor and former WVU Extension Agent for Cabell County, Rich Sherman, has accepted a position as agriculture science teacher in Minford, Ohio.  The group expressed concern that WVU place an agent in Cabell County to replace Rich as soon as possible.
A number of our members and guest took home garden related door prizes.  Steve Beckelhimer donated 25 mason bee nests that he built this summer.  The membership can decide whether to sell these houses as a fund raiser or to give them away as door prizes at future meetings. 
After our meal, geocachers, Brian Cordle and Austin Mullins, introduced our group to geocaching in Barboursville Park.  Our group worked in teams to use GPS receivers to find hints in hidden containers to solve a gardening puzzle.  Everyone had a great time.  Many thanks to Brian and Austin for giving our group a great learning experience.

Plans continue for the 2016 MGIT classes.  All classes will be held at Enslow Park Presbyterian Church on Tuesdays from 6:30 – 9:00 pm beginning January 5, 2016.  At the October meeting a list will be available for members to sign up to assist with one or more classes.  Members can earn either education or volunteer service hours by assisting with a class.