Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Milkweed planing at Kinetic Woods

Longtime CCMGA member, Tom Bell, announced a planting day at the Kinetic Woods area on Saturday, October 29 at 9 am.  This area will be a waystation for breeding monarch butterflies as well as many other pollinators.  Tom has obtained plugs and seeds for at least three species of milkweed as well as other pollinator friendly native plants.
This area will become a showplace along the Paul Ambrose Trail to Health and will provide a destination for school groups, out of town visitors and local residents alike.  This project will make everyone proud of what we can do to turn this area into a place of sustainable beauty.

If you are available to work at the planting on October 29 please come through the Enslow Park neighborhood to Donald Avenue.  Enslow Park is directly across from Enslow Park Presbyterian Church, our normal meeting location.  Plenty of parking is available on the west side of Donald Avenue in the grassy area that that will ultimately become the parking lot for school buses.