Tuesday, October 18, 2016

CCMGA Meeting - November 1

The Cabell County Master Gardener Association's November meeting will be held 6:30 pm on November 1 in the Fellowship Hall of Enslow Park Presbyterian Church.  The education speaker will be John Porter, WVU Extension Agent for Kanawha County.  Those of us who know John will tell you that he is an interesting and engaging speaker.  This time will be a topic of interest to all of us, Pawpaws!  Although Appalachia's native fruit has been well know among the rural people of the area for generations, the fruit is currently experiencing a surge of interest right now.

After John's program, our normal business meeting will be held at which time officers for 2017-18 will be elected by the CCMGA membership.  The slate of nominees is included on the October 12 post to this blog.