Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Kinetic Woods Butterfly Sanctuary Pollinator Gardens

Kinetic Woods
Butterfly Sanctuary
Pollinator Gardens

Please join us this Saturday (October 29, 2016) at 9:00am for a historic event. We will be planting the first plants for this very important project. We expect to have many volunteers (all are welcome) helping with this planting and would expect it to go very quickly. We will have about 400 plugs to plant. We will be planting common milkweed, (Asclepias syriaca), swamp milkweed (A. incarnata), and butterfly milkweed (A. tuberosa). We will also be planting some Purple Conflowers (Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’) perennials. I have attached a proposed layout of the planting areas.

Directions to planting site: Cross little silver bridge (near Baskins-Robbins) into Enslow Park, go straight on Enslow Blvd., continue straight ahead, Enslow Blvd. changes to Donald Avenue, continue on Donald Avenue to 2150 Donald Avenue. Parking will be on left. Park in lot or on street, walk East thru back of lot and follow signs.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

CCMGA Meeting - November 1

The Cabell County Master Gardener Association's November meeting will be held 6:30 pm on November 1 in the Fellowship Hall of Enslow Park Presbyterian Church.  The education speaker will be John Porter, WVU Extension Agent for Kanawha County.  Those of us who know John will tell you that he is an interesting and engaging speaker.  This time will be a topic of interest to all of us, Pawpaws!  Although Appalachia's native fruit has been well know among the rural people of the area for generations, the fruit is currently experiencing a surge of interest right now.

After John's program, our normal business meeting will be held at which time officers for 2017-18 will be elected by the CCMGA membership.  The slate of nominees is included on the October 12 post to this blog.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Upcoming election of CCMGA officers - November 1

The CCMGA nominating committee's slate of officers for 2017-18 are:
President – Dr. Kevin Smith
Vice President – Lisa Bell
Recording Secretary – Dr. Judy Silver
Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Prino
Treasurer – Tom Bell
Although our bylaws stipulate that the election of officers take place at the December meeting, a unanimous vote by the members present at the October meeting permits a waiver to the bylaws permitting the election to take place at the November 1 meeting rather than the December meeting. A slate will be prepared for the November 1 meeting that includes the nominees although additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at the meeting to be held on November 1 at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall of Enslow Park Presbyterian Church. All CCMGA members are urged to attend the November 1 meeting to take part in the election of officers.

Milkweed planing at Kinetic Woods

Longtime CCMGA member, Tom Bell, announced a planting day at the Kinetic Woods area on Saturday, October 29 at 9 am.  This area will be a waystation for breeding monarch butterflies as well as many other pollinators.  Tom has obtained plugs and seeds for at least three species of milkweed as well as other pollinator friendly native plants.
This area will become a showplace along the Paul Ambrose Trail to Health and will provide a destination for school groups, out of town visitors and local residents alike.  This project will make everyone proud of what we can do to turn this area into a place of sustainable beauty.

If you are available to work at the planting on October 29 please come through the Enslow Park neighborhood to Donald Avenue.  Enslow Park is directly across from Enslow Park Presbyterian Church, our normal meeting location.  Plenty of parking is available on the west side of Donald Avenue in the grassy area that that will ultimately become the parking lot for school buses.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

October 11 CCMGA Meeting

The October meeting of the Cabell County Master Gardener Association will be held in the Fellowship Hall of Enslow Park Presbyterian Church at 6:30 pm on October 11.  The featured speaker will be the WVU Cooperative Extension Agent, Dr. Chuck Talbott.  Dr. Talbott's topic will be "The Positive Impact of School Gardens on Children" as well as tips for working in school garden education settings.