Thursday, December 21, 2017

2018 Master Gardener Class Forming

Do you love gardening and sharing your experience with others? Even if you are not a Cabell County resident, you can become a Master Gardener through the Cabell County Master Gardener Association classes that are beginning soon.

Master Gardeners are volunteers trained by agents of the WVU Cooperative Extension Service and local experts to provide practical home and garden education. They answer questions at the WSAZ Home & Garden Show, volunteer at horticultural events like Huntington in Bloom, and help manage school and community gardens.

The 2018 Master Gardener classes begin on Tuesday, January 9 th , at Enslow Park Presbyterian Church in Huntington, WV. Classes are from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. each Tuesday through May 15 th . Class size is limited.

The Master Gardener class consists of 16 weeks of classroom work and hands-on activities. Instructors provide an overview of major horticultural topics, environmentally sound gardening practices, food safety, and issues affecting West Virginia residents and homeowners. Class topics include insect management, container gardening, soils and fertilizers, composting, organic gardening, and many others.

Upon completion of classroom work, graduates volunteer 40 hours on designated projects to complete the requirements for earning the Master Gardener title.  A fee of $110 must be paid at the start of class. This fee will cover the comprehensive West Virginia Master Gardener Handbook, handouts, name badge, and other supplies.

For more information or to register for the class, call Pauline Tiller at the WVU Extension Service - Cabell County at (304) 526-8458, or you can also sign up for the classes using the online form.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Putnam County Master Gardeners to Conduct 2018 Fruit Tree Fundraiser

The Putnam County Master Gardeners are conducting a Fruit Tree Fundraiser during the months of December and January.  The public is invited to place their order for trees from Adams County Nursery, Inc. in PA with a bulk order placed by the local Master Gardener association.  Pending on the total number of trees that the group orders, typical savings per tree (when ordering 100 trees or more) are $18/tree for apple and pear varieties and approximately $17/tree for peach, plum and cherry trees.  Two yeqrs ago, we ordered 150 trees and trees averaged $12 -$15 per tree.  Orders and payments must be received by January 30th.  Price breaks, premium charges, disease resistant varieties, rootstocks and pollination considerations are located at the company’s website (  A limited number of catalogues are available at the WVU Putnam County Extension Office.  A donation to the Putnam County Master Gardeners of ($2) per tree, depending on the number of trees ordered, will be collected for each tree order.  To place an order or for further questions, call the Kari Wilger at 304-767-5583 or email her at 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

2017 CCMGA Winter Party - December 2 - Boyd County Extension Office

The CCMGA Winter Party will be held on December 3 at the Boyd County Extension Office. We will caravan or car pool leaving Enslow Park Presbyterian Church at 10:15 am. If you are planning to drive, you can find the Boyd County Extension Office at 2420 Center Street, Catlettsburg KY. The festivities begin at 11 am, Ham will be provided but members are asked to bring a side or dessert to share. Please give Jane Wilson a call or email ( or 304-416-1840)  to let her know how many will be coming, what side dish you plan to bring and whether you wish to make one or more wreaths. CCMGA members can bring one adult guest if desired.

Our host, Lori Bowling will be doing the education segment of our meeting showing us how to make beautiful wreaths that are suitable for holiday displays and make great gifts. Members and guests can make wreaths for $15 each.

Please remember that dues ($16) can now be paid for 2018. You can give your dues to Treasurer, Tom Bell at the December 2 meeting or mail the dues to:

PO Box 7661
Huntington, WV 25578-7661

Directions to the Boyd County Extension Office
Take Interstate 64 westbound to Exit 191 which is the first exit after crossing into Kentucky.  Take Route 23 northbound for about 8.6 miles passing under the underpass to the right to Catlettsburg. At the "Y" in the road take a right turn followed by an immediate left onto Center Street.  Follow Center Street for 2.8 miles to the corner with 25th Street.  The Boyd County Extension Office will be on the left across from Neal Funeral Home.  If you pass the Grandview Manor high rise you have gone too far.  Plenty of parking is available in the Extension Office lot.  The drive from Enslow Park Presbyterian Church should take less than 30 minutes.
Directions to the Boyd County Extension Office are available through Google Maps with the link below:

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Garden Based Learning - Dr. Chuck Talbott

At the October 10 meeting of CCMGA, the group was pleased to have Putnam County Extension Agent, Dr. Chuck Talbott, present an overview of his initiative on Garden Based Learning for schools.  His projects have been very successful in improving student engagement, interest and overall achievement among students in several Putnam County elementary schools. 
Dr. Talbott has become very knowledgeable in procedures and practices that make school gardens a success.  Through the implementation of garden based learning in Putnam County, Dr. Talbott has learned what works and what to avoid.  His knowledge and experience can serve as a great guide for schools or informal educators looking to bring gardening to the educational program.
Dr. Talbott has generously allowed our organization to make his resources available on our website.  The link below will connect you to the presentations, handouts, guidelines, signs and other materials that he has developed or gathered over the years of supporting school gardens.

Garden Based Learning - Dr. Chuck Talbott

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Volunteer Opportunity

Huntington in Bloom will be planting and decorating for fall on Tuesday, September 26 and Thursday, September 28 from 5 pm until 8 pm.
Meet at the shelter at Pullman Square both 5 pm.  This counts as volunteer service time including the time for when you leave home until the time you return.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Putnam County Master Gardener Program Accepting Applications

West Virginia University Extension Service in Putnam County is accepting applications for the 2017 Putnam County Master Gardener (MG) Program, as well as MG programs in surrounding counties.  This program consists of a volunteer training course designed to provide home gardeners with the information and skills necessary to share their experience and knowledge with others.  Starting in September, there will be thirteen, three-hour night classes held weekly.   Those interested in participating should attend an orientation meeting at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, August 8th at the Old Winfield Courthouse (12093 Winfield Road, Winfield).

Putnam County Master Gardener, Myra Simmons, shows a student from West Teays Elementary how to look for insect pests. 

In exchange for 40 hours of indoor and outdoor instruction, candidates agree to donate 40 hours of volunteer service to West Virginia University Extension Service.  Volunteer activities currently carried out by Master Gardeners in Putnam County include participation in: 1) community gardens to provide vegetables for the local food bank, 2) garden-based learning programs with the teachers and students of the Putnam County school system, and 3) assisting WVU Extension Service with Farmers’ Markets and Putnam County Fair activities.  Last year, the PCMG assisted nearly 1200 students in garden-based learning programs. The students, plant, manage, harvest, weigh, sell and eat vegetables that they grow themselves.  

There is a program fee of $100 to cover the cost of the training manual and other materials.  Applications are being accepted through August 29th.  For more information and to receive an application, please contact (304-586-0217) the West Virginia University Extension office located in the Old Winfield Courthouse. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

Grow lights and heating pads for sale

A former Master Gardener in the Milton area is interested in selling a setup with florescent grow lights and heated under tray pads.  If you are interested in this please contact Steve ( who will put you in touch with this lady.

Monday, May 8, 2017

May 2017 Meeting at R.L. & Linda Mallory's Greenhouses

Please remember to join us for the May 9 CCMGA meeting at R>L. and Linda Mallory's farm in Culloden, WV. If you have a GPS in your car, you can enter the coordinates 38.425294, -82.061668 to get to their place.. If you would prefer, you can meet to caravan or car pool at the Milton Park and Ride, just off exit 28 of I-64. We expect to leave the park and ride at 6 pm.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Huntington in Bloom efforts keep growing

CCMGA can be proud to be part of this worthwhile project that does so much to beautify Huntington.

See the full article in the Herald-Dispatch.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Autumn Starcher brings education, positive energy to Cabell 4-H

The Cabell County Extension office gets some good press in the April 11, 2017 Herald Dispatch.

Read the article HERE.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

2017 WSAZ Home & Garden Show

As in the past, the 2017 2017 WSAZ Home & Garden Show was a success.  There was an interesting slate of speakers on Friday & Saturday and the Master Gardener booths swarmed with friends from West Virginia & Kentucky.
Our CCMGA photographer, Victor Simpson, was on hand to capture the action on Friday and Saturday in and around our booth.  Check out his photos in the WEB-ALBUM.
Click the picture below to view Victor's photos from the weekend.

Friday, February 24, 2017

2017 WSAZ Home & Garden Show Speakers Announced

The featured speakers for the 2017 WSAZ Home and Garden Show at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena have been announced.

5 PM
Dr. Chuck Talbott
Soils and Soil Fertility
6 PM
Lyndall Harned
Organic Gardening
12 PM
Jessica Strickland
Reading Pesticide Labels & Personal Protective Equipment
1 PM
Tim Sayre
Home Canning
2 PM
Tom Bell
Butterfly/Pollinator Garden
3 PM
 Lori Bowling
New Plants for 2017
4 PM
Dr. Paul Vincelli
5 PM
Steve Beckelhimer
WV Native Bees
6 PM
Lacy Davidson & Park Ferguson
Grow Yourself Healthy:  Why You Can’t Afford NOT to Grow, Shop, and Eat WV Raised Food 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

4th Annual WV Urban Agriculture Conference

Mark your calendars, the date and location of the 4th annual WV Urban Agriculture Conference have been announced.
This year the conference will be held at Camp Virgil Tate (see map and directions below) on April 28 & 29.  This conference is one of the most interesting and relevant conferences for home gardeners that you may ever attend.
The website for the conference is  Full details of speakers and sessions are not yet available as of this posting on February 1 but is expected to be updated soon.