Friday, October 30, 2015

Items for consideration at November 10 CCMGA meeting

Hello CCMGA members and friends,
As you may be aware, in compliance with the International Master Gardener Association changes, the West Virginia Master Gardener Association has increased the number of education and service hours required for renewal to 10 and 20 respectively.  Therefore, we must adjust our bylaws to reflect those changes as well.  This is a simple change of a few numbers in Articles IV and V of the bylaws to keep us in compliance.  An opportunity will be available for discussion of these changes as well as a potential motion to accept the proposed revisions to the bylaws.  A copy of the updated bylaws with changes in red is available at the link below and will be printed for the November 10 meeting of CCMGA.
We will also hold a discussion of how CCMGA can provide more and better education and service opportunities.  Pauline Tiller at the Cabell County Extension Office has asked that we send our education and service hours to her from the period September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015.  She does not need a detailed listing of dates, times and activities only the two numbers for how many education and service hours that you have accrued for the year.  Her contact information is or 304-743-7131.  To assist you in recalling education and service activities, the Executive Committee has prepared a partial listing of some of the activities for the year.  This list was compiled from the calendar on our website ( and may assist you in recalling your education and service.  The list is available on the link below and will be printed for the November 10 meeting.  Please notify Pauline of your 2014-15 hours by November 30, 2015.
A number of service opportunities will be presented for your consideration on November 10 including assisting with the MGIT class and advising gardens at Marcum Terrace, Meadows Elementary and Explorer Elementary. 
Debbie Martin will begin collecting 2016 dues ($16 per member) at the November meeting and will make plans for the December 5 Christmas Party and wreath making at Boyd County’s Extension Office.

I will send a reminder out as the date for our November 10 meeting draws near but I wanted to send the above information for your consideration well in advance of the meeting.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ritter Park Rose Clipping Give-Away

Ritter Park Rose Garden in Huntington will be doing their annual rose clipping give away from 8 am to noon on Monday November 2, 2015 .  You may call 304-696-5954 for more information.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Volunteer Service and Education Hours Changing

A recent note from Mira Blutatovic-Danalovich, State Extension Master Gardener Program Coordinator reports:

The International MG has been working on standardizing the Program and part of that effort is establishing new guidelines for the Initial certification and re-certification…

FYI ... the International MG (IMG) also establishes guidelines for Volunteer & Educational Hours for MG to remain active. As of December 2014, the IMG raised the National Standard for state extension MG to strive to meet to:

  • "requires volunteer service hour; 40-hour volunteer service minimum in the initial training year and 20-hour volunteer service minimum in subsequent years
  •  requires annual continuing education and professional development hours; 10 hours minimum annually in years following initial training"

For more information on the change click the image below to read the full report: