Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Evan Wilson named as Extension Agent for Cabell & Wayne Counties

After a lengthy vacancy in the agriculture extension agent positions in Cabell and Wayne Counties, the position was recently filled.  James Evan Wilson, a graduate of WVU, will split time between the two counties serving the agricultural needs of the area.  Evan grew up in the Mason County community of Apple Grove and comes from a strong agricultural background having been involved in 4-H and FFA as a student.  He has recently completed he Masters Degree in Agriculture, Natural Resource and Design and has worked in poultry in Virginia.
Evan will bring a great deal of knowledge, energy and resources to the two counties that we serves. He is looking forward to meeting the CCMGA members from Cabell and Wayne Counties to explore ways that we can work together.
Evan can be contacted by email at jewilson@mix.wvu.edu

Friday, May 4, 2018

May CCMGA Meeting at Mallory's Farm

Please remember to join us for the May 8 CCMGA meeting at R>L. and Linda Mallory's farm in Culloden, WV.   The Mallorys are great hosts and I know that everyone will enjoy seeing the work of Linda's green thumb in her gardens and greenhouses.  This meeting is also special because it is the graduation of the 2018 class of Master Gardeners.
 If you have a GPS in your car, you can enter the coordinates 38.425294, -82.061668 to get to their place.. If you would prefer, you can meet to caravan or car pool at the Milton Park and Ride, just off exit 28 of I-64. We expect to leave the park and ride at 6:15 pm.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Joint gathering - KY/WV Master Gardeners

CCMGA members have been invited to join with Master Gardeners from Eastern Kentucky on the evening of Tuesday, June 19.  The Kentucky Master Gardeners will furnish the main courses (turkey, dressing, ham) and others are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share.   The event will begin at 6 pm and will be held at Kentucky Roots which is Route 3 between Ashland and Louisa.  The link below shows a map of the location.
There will be three speakers discussing the potential for hemp farming in the area.
CCMGA members will know many of the Kentucky Master Gardeners from sharing a booth at the WSAZ Home and Garden Show.  If you are able to attend please RSVP to Rhonella Chaffin at rhonella@att.net or 606 483 6077.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Rain Barrel Workshop - Huntington National Guard Building - April 21

This is a great opportunity to get a high quality attractive rain barrel at an excellent price.  The workshop is in the National Guard Building at 800 Virginia Avenue, Huntington and runs from 10 am until noon on Saturday, April 21.
Pre-registration is required (Thomas.C.Thurman@wv.gov) and the $25 payment is due at the workshop.

Friday, February 23, 2018

2018 WSAZ Home & Garden Show Speakers Announced

The featured speakers for the 2018 WSAZ Home and GardenShow at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena have been announced.

Dr. Mira Danilovich
Brambles (Small Fruits)
Dr. Monica Valentovic & Dr. Gary Rankin
Rose Care

Lyndall Harned   
Grant Bishop
Brenda Porter
Home Canning
Dr. Chuck Talbott
Controling Pests with Intergrated Pest Mgt.
Dr. Sheldon Owen
Lori Bowling
New Plants for 2018
Lacy Davidson & Park Ferguson
Grow Yourself Healthy:  Why You Can’t Afford NOT to Grow, Shop, and Eat WV Raised Food 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Master Gardener Class Cancelled on January 16

Because of the snow and extreme cold on January 16, the Cabell County Master Gardener class on botany will not be held as scheduled.  Because this is a required class, it will be made up at at future date.  As you are aware, when Cabell County Schools close there will be no Master Gardener class that day.
If you would like to get a preview of the botany class please go to the information page for that class - Botany where you can watch the videos, download the handouts and take some practice quizzes.
The updated class schedule is available on our Education page.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Bat Presentation - January 20 - 2 pm

The January 20 meeting of the Cabell County Master Gardener Association promises to be a special one.  Dr. Sheldon Owen, Wildlife Specialist for the WVU Extension Service will speak on bats in West Virginia.
The presentation will be on January 20, 2018 at 2 pm in the Fellowship Hall of Enslow Park Presbyterian Church in Huntington.  Directions to the church can be found by clicking the link above. The public is warmly invited.
There will be a brief business meeting following Dr. Owen's presentation.