Wednesday, March 23, 2016

West Virginia Urban Ag Conference - April 30

Registration is now open for the
2016 WV Urban Ag Conference

West Virginia Urban Ag Conference

The 3rd Annual WV Urban Ag Conference is scheduled for April 30 on the campus of WV State University. Our illustrious spokes-bird Chicken Stu is once again a spring chicken, and he's back leaner and meaner than ever. He's planned a jam-packed (mmmm....jam) ONE DAY conference. Register today before it is too late!  

Monday, March 14, 2016

2016 WSAZ Home & Garden Show Wrap-up

As usual, the WSAZ Home & Garden Show was a success.  Many interested gardeners and prospective gardeners came by the booth that we shared with Putnam County and the three Kentucky counties with Master Gardener groups.  It is especially fulfilling when families come to the booth looking to involve their children in gardening.  In total. We had at least 31 CCMGA members staffing the booth, answering questions, making “beanie babies” or seed tape with the young gardeners.  The list that I have includes the following members, please let me know if I have left anyone off the list:
Ed Barnett, Linda Beaty, Steve Beckelhimer, Lisa Bell, Connie Berk, Maralie Boyd, Butch Carrico, Meredith Cornell, Lacy Davidson, Debbie DeBruin, Park Ferguson, Pat Gebhart, Cheryl Hodge, David Howells, Marilyn Howells, Beth Lichty, Donna Love, Linda Mallory, R. L. Mallory, Molly McClennon, Nancy Prino, Ted Salem, Carla Seamonds, Don Silver, Judy Silver, Victor Simpson, Kevin Smith, Sam Stubblefield, Brenda Weidensall, Jane Wilson and Wendy Wilson. 
In addition to handling most of the logistics for the event, Connie Berk was working the booth nearly the entire time that we were there hardly even stopping to get a bite for meals.  Jane Wilson arranged an excellent slate of speakers whose sessions were well attended.  Victor Simpson took tons of photos showing our people working the booth and assisting area gardeners.  The event closed out with the beautiful garden quilt that was donated to us by Mary Morton of PieceMakers Quilters being raffled off.  We were shared Nancy Prino’s joy at being the winner of the drawing for the rain barrel that Boyd County raffled off.

Now that the event is over and everything is put away, we have many of our stalwart members who are already looking ahead to next year and increasing the impact of CCMGA and continuing our connecting with the community and other area Master Gardener groups.

The snapshots below are courtesy of our official photographer, Victor Simpson.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Huntington in Bloom Planting Days

For each of the planting dates (April 26, 28, May 3, 5), we will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the Pullman Square Parking Garage on the 10th Street side.
These dates are subject to change due to bad weather.
We will be planting the big pots, Harris Riverfront and the Civic Center and the CVB.

We will start with the big pots and the Civic Arena first, due to visitors for Marshall’s graduation. Once those are complete, we will move on to the other areas.