As we prepare for 2016, I wanted to express my best
holiday wishes and to give you updates on a few CCMGA matters.
During the December business meeting, the proposed
revisions to the CCMGA
by-laws were approved by unanimous vote of the members present. These revisions are a result of WVMG’s
increased service and education requirements for new and recertifying
members. The revised by-laws are posted
to our website in the “About CCMGA”
MGIT Class
Debbie Martin and Jane Wilson have done a great job
of putting a Master
Gardener class together. The classes
will meet in the Fellowship Hall of Enslow Park Presbyterian Church on Tuesday
evenings from 6:30 – 9:30 pm beginning on January 5. Jane and Debbie want to welcome any member
who is available for one or more classes to come to assist or to earn education
hours. This is a great opportunity to
earn service or education hours,. A copy
of the class schedule is posted to our website.
Please email me (
if you would like to sign up to volunteer for one or more classes.
2016 Meeting
The meeting
schedule for 2016 has been finalized with a great lineup of educational
speakers. A copy of our meeting schedule is posted in the “About
CCMGA” section of our website.
2016 Dues
Please remember that your 2016 dues can now be paid
to our treasurer, Debbie Martin. If you
have not already done so, please send your $16 membership dues to CCMGA, PO Box
7661, Huntington, WV 25578-7661.
The “Recipes” section of our website has been
replaced with a “Gardening
Education” page for the MGITs as well as current members. Presenters at the Master Gardener class as
well as monthly Master Gardener meetings can have materials such as handouts or
links posted to the site. Please take a
look at the new section of our site and let me know what you think.
The 2015 minutes, treasurer’s reports and meeting
schedules will soon be moved to an “Archives” page
where the documents will still be available to members but will make way for
2016’s information.
I will look forward to seeing everyone at our
February 20th meeting or better yet, at one of the upcoming MGIT