Hello Cabell
County Master Gardeners and friends,
I hope that
everyone has been able to get out and enjoy their gardens now that the monsoons
of the past few weeks have (hopefully) passed.
I just want to
pass a few reminders along to you as we move from July into August.
Our annual
picnic is scheduled for 3 pm on August 29 in Shelter #1 at Barboursville
Park. We will recognize the newly
certified master gardeners with a presentation of certificates and their WVMG
name badge. We will have a brief business
meeting while our meal is being prepared.
The evening’s activity will be geocaching with Brian Cordle. Brian will take us on a GPS scavenger hunt
around the park and introduce us to geocaching as a great way to get outdoors
and enjoy nature. If you would like to
engage in this activity please wear shoes that are appropriate for walking
around the park.
If you are
planning to come to the meeting, please contact Jane Wilson (jackjanewilson@gmail.com or 304-
416-1740) and let her know what side dish, condiments, lettuce, tomato, onions
or dessert you would like to bring to the picnic to share. In your message to Jane please let her know
how many will be in your group. This
picnic is a family event so please bring guests just let Jane know how many so
she can plan for the food. CCMGA will
provide the meat, breads, cheese, soft drinks and the paper products.
Name Badges
treasurer, Greg Norris, will be ordering name badges for recently certified Master
Gardeners. Anyone who needs a new name
badge should contact Greg (wvframer@ntelos.net)
by August 8.
State Fair
The State Fair
of West Virginia will be held at Fairlea, WV from August 14-23. If you are planning to go to the fair, you
may want to stop by the WVMGA demonstration garden since our group made a
contribution to expand this display. You
can also volunteer hours by working at the demonstration garden. A posting
on our website gives more information on signing up to volunteer.
International Master Gardener Conference
The International Master Gardener
Conference is scheduled for September 22-25 in Council Bluffs, Iowa. More links to the conference and more
information is on our website.
2016 MGIT Class
The class for
new Master Gardeners is now being planned and should be starting in January
2016. Debbie Martin and Jane Wilson are
working to plan for instructors to present required and elective sessions for
the MGITs. Anyone who would like to
assist them should contact Debbie (MartinPTA@aol.com)
or Jane (jackjanewilson@gmail.com).
If you know
anyone who would like to consider becoming a Master Gardener and would like
more information, please direct them to our website (www.cabellcountymastergardeners.com)
where they will see a link near the top of the page that says “Sign
up to get more information on becoming a Master Gardener”.
Upcoming 2015 Meetings
Our next
regular meeting is at 6:30 on October 13 at Enslow Park Presbyterian Church
where Mary Beckelhimer will tell us about the Botany of Witchcraft. On
November 10, Tim Hardesty and Joe Browning of the Ohio Valley Camera Club will
give us tips on taking better photos of our gardens. Our Christmas party
will be on Saturday, December 5 with wreath making and holiday cheer. The
December meeting will be at the Boyd County Extension Office with Lori Bowling.
The meeting schedule is posted to the “About CCMGA”
page of our website.
2016 Meetings
2016 Meetings
The CCMGA Executive
Committee is looking at potential meeting dates and topics. If you know of a good presentation or, better
yet, if you are willing to present a session yourself, please let me know (beckelhimer@gmail.com) and we would
love to continue the education programs at our 2016 meetings.
Please continue
to watch our website (www.cabellcountymastergardeners.com),
especially our Events page
where announcements are posted. Our calendar
also identified many educational and service opportunities. The most recent treasurer reports and meeting
minutes are also posted to the “About CCMGA”
section. I am thinking of ways to make our website more useful, informative and
user friendly. Please give me any
feedback or suggestions that you have.
Enjoy the rest
of your summer. I will look forward to seeing everyone at the picnic. Please feel free to contact me at any time.
Beckelhimer, President 2015-2016
Cabell County
Master Gardener Association, Inc.